Accredited and Trained Practitoners
Cool Kids Anxiety Programme
What is provided
A structured (but can be modified to meet the individual needs of the child or young person) 10 session program developed by researchers at Macquarie University. The programme is based on cognitive behavioural therapy and can be delivered on a one -2 one basis or in small groups.
The Cool Kids Programme is delivered by Louise Fenlon, who is our accrediated programme provider. It is for children and young people between the age of 7 to 17. The programme has the same skills for all age groups, however, the examples and explanations are adjusted to be age appropriate. Children and young people are also given the opportunity to complete tasks at home, to reinforce the knowledge and skills they are learning.
The aim of the service is to teach practical skills and techniques to children and young people to help improve the management of their anxiety by:
Changing thinking patterns through cognitive restructuring (realistic and unrealistic thoughts)
Graded exposure (stepladders)
Encourage independence and confidence
To assist in making the child or young person worries seem manageable and introduce the CBT model, the Cool Kids Programme, breaks anxiety down into 3 components:
Body/physical: When we are anxious the body prepares to act by fleeing the situation or preparing for a fight. The physical feelings of anxiety (heart racing, breathing fast, butterflies in stomach, stomach aches) are all connected with preparing your body to run away or fight. These can be mild or can feel quite strong.
Thoughts/cognitions: When we are anxious we can have worrisome thoughts, these can sometimes lead us to thinking of the worst case scenario often leaving us feeling as though we will not be able to cope with the situation.
Actions/behaviour: When we are anxious we can act in a way that keeps us in an anxious state. The main way we do this is through avoiding what makes us feel anxious. A child or young person may avoid facing a feared situation, therefore, never learning that there really is not anything to fear or is not as bad as they first thought.
*The programme also supports parents to develop ways of supportively reacting to anxiety and encourage the child or young persons independence and resilience.
Duration of programme
The programme is delivered once a week for one-hour.
Although the Cool Kids Programme is a structured 10-12 week CBT course it can still be tailored to meet the specific needs of a child or young person. If topics or activities take longer to complete due to the length of the discussions or the child or young person requests to go over the tasks, hence helping to reinforce their skills and knowledge, additional weeks will be added to the program.
The sessions can be delivered at our premises in Tonbridge, in the educational setting the child or young person attends or in the family home.
*If the session is delivered at the family home the mentor will not be able to enter home or deliver the session unless there is parent present.
Where are the sessions delivered
Any child or young person who lives in Tonbridge, Kent and is between the ages of 8-16 years.
The Cool Kids Anxiety Programme is suitable for children and young people for whom is experiencing low to mid-level anxiety and whom anxiety is a central difficulty. It is available to child or young person whom reside in Tonbridge and are between the ages of 7-17 years
As an inclusive charity we do not discriminate and there is not a selection process. Referrals will be allocated in chronological order on receipt of the referral form.
However, we would like to highlight that if we deem the Cool Kids Anxiety Programme is not appropriate for the needs of a child or young person, thereby, putting a child or young person (or family) at further risk and exacerbating the difficulties they are experiencing, we will offer support (where appropriate) and signpost to a more suitable professional organisation who would be more able to provide the correct support.
Who can access the programme